Your photo album can be a source of joy and inspiration for generations to come.

We are available for glamour portraits for ordinary people, boudoir, professional portraits (headshots), children, engagements, anniversaries, high school seniors, motherhood, and online dating profile images.

Our portrait photography fees start at 150 leva (currency converter). The minimum session duration is 1 hour.

Edited images will be delivered to you in digital format. If you wish, we can offer high-quality printing in physical format. You can see our high-quality prints in section “ PRINTS”

You can choose your new photo adventure here.


We capture professionally and discreetly the most beautiful moments of your family celebration.

Wedding photography fees start at 500 leva. Family event fees start at 150 leva per hour.

Simona Studio prides itself on the deep personal attention we give your special day.

Hence, we invite you to get in touch here for an individual discovery session where we can offer the photography package that is optimal for your event.


You are tempted to dive into the magical world of digital photography and could use professional support?

Our 1-on-1 training for emerging talents will give you the essentials of photography as a hobby or a new career.

The highly effective Hit the Ground Running program with Simona includes 12 sessions (once weekly for 60 minutes over three months). Your investment is 600 leva. The language of instruction is Bulgarian.

Sign up for your enrollment interview here.

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